About Michelle


Our mission and privilege is to help people develop the skills, talents and
culture that positions them to win.

top-quotation-marks-left (1)"Winning is fun!  It energizes people and fuels momentum that leads to more success. EdgeWise was conceived as a way to share opportunities, skills and tools that help people and organizations find more ways to win, and get an EDGE with customers, and on their competition. "

Michelle Laxa, Founder Edgewise Strategies


Track Record of Leading Innovative Teams, Building Valuable Partnerships & Creating Competitive Advantage

Prior to founding EdgeWise in 2012, I spent over 20 years working directly with customers in the corporate strategy & selling environment, building a reputation for leading powerful, innovative customer-centered support teams, developing profitable long-term relationships with customers, and consistently among the top sales performers. Customers & employers include leading national companies, and Fortune 100 & 500 companies where I had opportunities to learn from remarkable leaders and colleagues.

What Works: Connecting with People, Cultivating Talent, Winning With Customers

Leveraging a natural propensity for bringing people together, a knack for connecting with people quickly, and a straight-forward approach, I create an environment where people feel comfortable examining old behaviors, opening up to new ideas & making decisions to implement positive changes that benefit themselves, other team members & external customers .

Rather than “train” people, we help you develop your team through opportunities to identify & cultivate their talent, learn new skills, & understand their impact on the customer.

We use real-world work and customer experiences & proven tools to:

  • Find practical solutions to challenges
  • Communicate ideas more effectively
  • Turn conflict into healthy & productive dialogue
  • Help members stay committed to positively impacting the customer experience.